Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) | Skip to content Skip to navigation

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PROTECTING OUR RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT. AIDA is the only regional organization of environmental legal experts who are both from and in Latin America. We use  the power of international law to create sustainable solutions throughout the region.

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Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta in Colombia

Blog | 9 October 2024

Session 1 of the 2024 GCF Watch International Webinar Series

Relevant CSO representatives will discuss the architecture of financial mechanisms under the UNFCCC, with the GCF at the center, exploring the opportunities for civil society engagement in each.Read More

Blog | 10 September 2024

Session 1 of the Transformative Global Experiences on Water Governance Webinar Series

We explored various strategies of resistance and defense following the tragedy caused by the failure of an iron mine tailings dam in Brumadinho, Brazil.Read More

Traditional textiles in a market in Chichicastenango, Guatemala.

Press Releases | 28 August 2024

Organisations demand justice in criminalization case against Rigoberto Juárez, ancestral authority and environmental and human rights defender of Guatemala

We request judicial authorities to make a decision that takes into account the specific guarantees of Rigoberto Juárez as an ancestral authority and as an environmental and human rights defender.Read More

Public hearing of the Inter-American Court in Manaus, Brazil.

Press Releases | 20 August 2024

Declaration of Manaus urges the Inter-American Court to clarify State obligations in climate emergency

The declaration calls on the Court to articulate, in its forthcoming Advisory Opinion, minimum standards for respecting and protecting human rights in the context of the climate crisis.Read More

Veracruz Reef System

Press Releases | 13 August 2024

Mexican Supreme Court order to protect the Veracruz reef still unenforced

A port expansion project threatens the reef that hosts the greatest biodiversity of reef species in the western Gulf of Mexico.Read More

Shepherdess on Isla del Sol, Bolivia.

Blog | 24 July 2024

Let's talk about NDCs, countries' commitments to the climate crisis

Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are the plans developed by each country to address the climate crisis under the Paris Agreement.Read More

When the violation of the rights of Amazonian peoples in Brazil receives no response nationally, these communities find in AIDA a voice in the Americas.

Felicio Pontes, Attorney, Federal Public Ministry, Brazil

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